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Do you know how to extend the life of Inner Mongolia cleaning machine 2023-10-07Do you know how to extend the life of Inner Mongolia cleaning machine

Cleaning machine is a kind of mechanical equipment commonly used in hydraulic engineering. Its use can clean up some impurities in the water flow, thus ensuring that the valve and Normal use of motor products. If you want to extend the service life of

What maintenance work does the rotary cleaning machine need to do? 2023-10-07What maintenance work does the rotary cleaning machine need to do?

With the development of social industrialization, the sewage phenomenon needs to be treated in time, whether it is domestic sewage and factory waste water may bring a large number of pollutants, to the river and reservoir losses, so the popularization of

Do you know the purpose of the rake cleaning machine in the water? 2023-10-07Do you know the purpose of the rake cleaning machine in the water?

The rake type cleaning machine is a kind of cleaning equipment which is installed in front of the sewage barrier at the water inlet of the power station, and is used for cleaning the sewage in front of the sewage barrier. It has sharp bucket teeth, which

Structural characteristics of clamshell type Tibet cleaning machine in hydropower station 2023-10-07Structural characteristics of clamshell type Tibet cleaning machine in hydropower station

What are the structural characteristics of clamp-type Tibet cleaning machine in hydropower station? Hydropower station grab type cleaning machine is a very practical grid decontamination equipment, widely used in many fields of water intake, including: po

What are the advantages and characteristics of Tibet cleaning machine? 2023-10-07What are the advantages and characteristics of Tibet cleaning machine?

Xizang cleaning machine as a new cleaning equipment, widely used in water conservancy and hydropower projects, can effectively remove the floating objects in the water while avoiding large floating objects, tiny hair, fiber and other floating objects on t

Dam top door machine manufacturers remind drivers to pay attention to operation 2023-10-07Dam top door machine manufacturers remind drivers to pay attention to operation

The manufacturer of dam top door machine reminds the driver of dam top door machine to pay special attention Under any of the following circumstances, the driver should not operate: (1) Do not lift when overloaded or the weight of the object is not

Share the mechanical operation process of dam top door machine manufacturers 2023-10-07Share the mechanical operation process of dam top door machine manufacturers

Dam top door machine manufacturers share dam top door machine operating rules: (1) should comply with the door safety technical regulations (2) We should understand the structure and performance of the door engine used, be familiar with its working

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Henan Yellow River hydraulic machinery Co., LTD
联系人:Manager Xu


Henan Yellow River hydraulic machinery Co., LTD