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The safety inspection of the rake cleaning machine before use must not be careless

Grab bucket cleaning machine is a common and efficient cleaning equipment, it has many advantages and a wide range of applications, it has a powerful grab system and suction pump, can efficiently clean up all kinds of sludge, silt, waste and so on. Its stirring device can agitate and disperse the solid material, making it easier to absorb and dispose of. The daily maintenance work of the hydraulic grab cleaning machine needs to be carried out from two aspects, one is the maintenance and inspection of the cleaning machine, and the other is the daily maintenance and maintenance. Do you understand how to check the rake cleaning machine?

The various parts of the grab cleaning machine before installation are carefully checked whether the whole cleaning machine is clean. Including a variety of social insurance ratchet, bolts and other small parts of the careful inspection. Second, check this rope. It looks too neat. Check whether its various parts and parts of the line can be well connected and without defects.

The operating environment must be safely in place after this inspection before you can start running the machine. During use, be sure to find a smooth, safe and clean ground. It is used to ensure that the equipment of the enterprise is smooth in operation and firmly in contact with the ground. Due to the large amount of electrical energy generated during the operation of the machine, if the Yunnan grab type cleaning machine and the ground is not firmly fixed, the situation will tilt and offset.

When the equipment is in operation, the staff should be attentive, and the staff around the work should keep a certain distance from the cleaning machine to ensure the safety of life and property. Equipment in the operation of turnover must have a special care, and the care period must not leave, must be dedicated to carefully observe the work of Yunnan cleaning machine, such as failure, immediately analyze the problem quickly and efficiently.

It is worth noting that the above are general safety inspection recommendations, and specific safety inspection procedures and precautions may vary depending on the device model, manufacturer requirements, or specific working environment. It is recommended that before using the Yunnan grab type cleaning machine, refer to the operation manual of the equipment and the safety guidance provided by the manufacturer to check. In addition, always operate in accordance with relevant safety regulations and operating procedures, and have experienced operators to ensure safety.

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Henan Yellow River hydraulic machinery Co., LTD
联系人:Manager Xu


Henan Yellow River hydraulic machinery Co., LTD