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Do you know how to extend the life of Inner Mongolia cleaning machine

Cleaning machine is a kind of mechanical equipment commonly used in hydraulic engineering. Its use can clean up some impurities in the water flow, thus ensuring that the valve and

Normal use of motor products. If you want to extend the service life of the cleaning machine, you need to master certain skills to ensure the use effect, and regular maintenance will not affect normal use. If there is a bad situation, it will affect the normal work, we need to pay attention to this problem! Then do you know how to extend the life of the Inner Mongolia cleaning machine?

1, surface cleaning: cleaning machine must be based on the nature of the surface of the anti-rust material and the conditions at the time, choose the appropriate method. Commonly used formula

The method is solvent cleaning, chemical treatment cleaning and mechanical cleaning.

2, after the surface is dried and cleaned, it can be filtered through the dry compressed air, or through the dryer at 120-170 ° C or clean gauze

To dry.

3, Yunnan cleaning machine also has certain installation steps and use methods. In the installation of the cleaning machine, to determine the direction of prevention, focus on each installation step, the correct installation of the cleaning machine, in order to effectively ensure the stability of use.

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Henan Yellow River hydraulic machinery Co., LTD
联系人:Manager Xu


Henan Yellow River hydraulic machinery Co., LTD