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Dam top door machine manufacturers remind drivers to pay attention to operation

The manufacturer of dam top door machine reminds the driver of dam top door machine to pay special attention

Under any of the following circumstances, the driver should not operate:

(1) Do not lift when overloaded or the weight of the object is not clear;

(2) Do not hang when the signal is not clear;

(3) binding, hanging is not strong or unbalanced may cause sliding without hanging;

(4) The structure or parts have defects or damage that affect the safety work, such as brake or safety device failure, lifting lug structure damage, wire rope damage to reach the scrap standard;

(5) No lifting when leaning heavy objects (only for the use of this door crane);

(6) The work site is dim, and it is not possible to see the site, the situation of the suspended objects and the command signal;

(7) When the wire rope directly contacts the edge of the weight without padding, it is not suspended;

(8) When the door machine is running, the limit switch shall not be used to stop; For the door engine without reverse braking performance, except for special emergency situations, shall not hit the reverse braking.

(9) The brake of the lifting mechanism shall not be adjusted under load.

(10) When the door engine is working, it shall not be inspected and maintained.

(11) Whether the lifting mechanism or the operating mechanism, under rated load, shall not operate at high speed in the frequency band greater than 50Hz.

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Henan Yellow River hydraulic machinery Co., LTD
联系人:Manager Xu


Henan Yellow River hydraulic machinery Co., LTD