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What are the main points in the operation of Henan cleaning machine manufacturers?

Rotary cleaning machine must be no stranger to everyone, but it is a practical equipment to clean up the blockage of the project, just a little help can reflect the extraordinary, help to reduce water pollution, in a timely manner to improve the operation of other equipment. At the entrance of many fences, the cleaning machine is a permanent guest, long-term cleaning of some garbage materials, to avoid blocking the sewage grid, to ensure that the flow of water is smooth, then what are the main points in the operation of the Henan cleaning machine factory?

The staff also need to pay attention to some problems when using the cleaning machine equipment. When starting the grille equipment for sewage treatment, pay attention to the fact that many people will ignore the inspection work of the equipment, and the grille equipment needs to make the handle in the right position during the work, so as to meet the application specifications, in addition, the staff also need to check the working state of the rotary, if there is a noise during the operation of the rotary type, it indicates that the equipment has certain hidden trouble. People need to be checked in time.

In addition, the working state of the motor during the operation of the equipment is also very important, when the motor is in a normal state, after starting and the running direction of the rotary type is the same, if the running direction is not correct, it is necessary to adjust in advance, which has a great impact on the overall work of the equipment, so the staff should pay attention to these situations.

During the operation of the cleaning machine, the motor and the reducer are important device structures, so the staff should regularly overhaul these devices, and timely replace the parts that are seriously worn, so that the cleaning machine can maintain a flexible working state.

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Henan Yellow River hydraulic machinery Co., LTD
联系人:Manager Xu


Henan Yellow River hydraulic machinery Co., LTD